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Results 91 to 100 of 324
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Plant Photo 1
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Let's Dance Arriba!® Hydrangea
Hydrangea 'SMNHSC'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  3 feet
Spread:  3 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A floriferous compact shrub producing large, hot pink to purple-blue mophead blooms that cover the plant; blooms on both old and...

Plant Photo 2
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Let's Dance Can Do!® Hydrangea
Hydrangea 'SMNHSI'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  4 feet
Spread:  3 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A dwarf compact shrub producing airy lacecap, pink, or lavender blooms that cover the plant; blooms on both old and new wood;...

Plant Photo 3
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Let's Dance Sky View® Hydrangea
Hydrangea 'SMNHSME'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  3 feet
Spread:  4 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A floriferous compact shrub producing large, rose pink to sky blue mophead blooms that cover the plant; blooms on both old and...

Plant Photo 4
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Summer Crush® Hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmacfive'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  3 feet
Spread:  3 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

An absolute breakthrough for this much-desired species, this spectacular summer-bloomer is very hardy, and produces large,...

Plant Photo 5
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Pop Star® Hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla 'BAILMACSIX'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  3 feet
Spread:  3 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A compact hydrangea that blooms on old and new wood, giving a long season of color; rounded lacecap flowers are electric blue in...

Plant Photo 6
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Seaside Serenade® Crystal Cove Hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Crystal Cove'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  4 feet
Spread:  5 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

An exceedingly showy variety with frilly lacecap flowers presenting deep purple-blue in acidic soil, lavender-purple in neutral...

Plant Photo 7
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Wedding Gown™ Hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Dancing Snow'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  3 feet
Spread:  3 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A truly delightful and reliable compact shrub which features lovely white double flowers that are held on short firm stems; a...

Plant Photo 8
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Forever And Ever Blue Heaven Hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Forever And Ever Blue Heaven'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  4 feet
Spread:  3 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

This long-blooming variety features enormous mophead flowers in deep blue or pink (depending on soil acidity) on a large shrub;...

Plant Photo 9
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Seaside Serenade® Hamptons Hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla 'HORTHAMP'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  4 feet
Spread:  3 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A hardy compact form that is perfect for smaller spaces; features huge, long lasting, intense pink blooms on strong stems; dark...

Plant Photo 10
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Blue Enchantress Hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Monmar'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  5 feet
Spread:  5 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A stunning shrub producing bold flowers of sky blue when grown in acidic soil, pinkish in alkaline; flowers mature to a cream...

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